Parent/Carer Support and Education
“We are imperfect humans growing imperfect humans in an imperfect world; and that’s perfectly okay.” ~ L.R.Knost

Parenting support to meet the real needs of parents/carers
Parenting is a role with such contradictions; it can be both challenging and rewarding, discouraging and hopeful, stressful and joyful – and each of these experiences is as valid as the other!
Along the way as a parent or carer, you will search for information, advice and support, often to be left feeling overwhelmed and confused by the information which is so readily available. As is the case for so many parents struggling to find answers, it can leave you feeling frustrated, hopeless and with a sense of not being ‘good enough’.
You may be looking for support or information in one of the following areas:
- Understanding your child’s emotional or behavioural concerns and developing strategies to better support them;
- Coming to terms with your child’s diagnosis and managing your own emotions and grief;
- Wanting to build a stronger, more positive relationship with your child;
- Supporting your child to process their experience of trauma; or
- Working through your own life experiences and emotional concerns, which are impacting your capacity to be the parent you want to be.
Benefits of Parent/Carer Support and Education for you and your child
Gain a better understanding of your child’s needs to fully support them
Become more assertive in advocating for your child’s needs
Feel confident and at-ease in your parenting role
Parent / Carer programs that aren’t just about ‘strategies’
At Nurturing Support, our approach to working with parents and carers is all about better understanding yourself as a parent and developing compassion for and trust in yourself. The truth is, if you are feeling more supported, confident, at-ease, regulated and empowered as a parent, this will have a ripple-effect in how your whole family functions day-to-day.
Through our suite of evidence-based therapies and education programs, we provide opportunities for you to learn more about yourself and your needs, not only as a parent, but as a human being. Armed with this knowledge and understanding, you will be able to integrate this into your household, develop a more positive relationship with your child/children and work toward a more harmonious and well-functioning family unit.
Become the confident, empowered parent you always wanted to be
Our parenting support and families programs offer you a playful way to find real solutions to the underlying issues you and your family face, beyond just learning new strategies.
With our holistic approach to working with families, you can be a cycle-breaker and influence real and lasting change for you, your child and your family.
We have a variety of parent/carer education and support options available, depending on your needs and the needs of your family, including:
- Nurturing Support Families Program – COMING SOON: A group program for parents/carers
- Attachment-based therapy: For child and parent/carer to build a more positive relationship
- Circle of Security program: For parent/carers and can be delivered either as a group or for individual/couples.
Does my child need to be accessing therapy with you to engage in parent support programs?
No, all parents/carers can access these services. However, depending on the specific need of your family, your therapist may recommend your child also access therapy in order to address their issues also. You can discuss this with one of our therapists during your free phone consultation.
If I don’t like groups or I can’t make the scheduled sessions, can I complete the programs by myself or with my spouse/partner?
Yes, absolutely. We can tailor all of our programs to individuals/couples where this is more convenient. However, please note, the fees for individual/couple sessions will be higher than for group sessions.